Field Trips
- Day trips only require the approval from your Principal.
- Overnight trips within California require the approval from your Principal and the Superintendent.*
- Out-of-state trips require the approval of your Principal, the Superintendent and the Board.**
*Overnight trip requests must be received in the Superintendent's office at least one week in advance.
**Out-of-state trip requests must be received in the Superintendent's office at least 45 days in advance.
- Field Trip Policy
- Request for Field Trip Form
- Permission for Field Trip/Excursion - Consent to Transport and Treat
- Sports Event/Activity Acknowledgment & Assumption of Potential Risk - Consent to Transport and Treat (English)
- Sports Event/Activity Acknowledgment & Assumption of Potential Risk - Consent to Transport and Treat (Spanish)
- Field Trip Excursion and Medical Authorization Form - Adult
- Employee/Volunteer Personal Vehicle Use Directions and Form
- Transportation Exemption Form
- Accident/Incident Reporting Form
High Risk Activity Request Form -New Form Updated 1/22/2025
- Click here to request school meals for events - specifically for meals that will be missed during the
school day hours due to an athletic or field trip event that is not held on campus. - Click here to request a van or bus.
LPHS - Field Trip List
OHS - Parent Consent Form
Questions? Call Jaymie Martinez at 538-2300, extension 1107.