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LP and OHS Aca Deca Teams
Bell Game 2024
Poetry Out Loud Competitors
PHS Lineman Field Trip
LP Paras Halloween
OHS Cake Wars
HOF 2024 Gallery Image
Career Life Readiness- Sara Hamilton OAE
OHS Staff Halloween Loteria
PHS Feather River Mosaic Project
OHS Forest Service Career Exploration
OHS Students to Chico State
LPHS Mental Health Day
3rd Annual Powder Puff Game
3rd Annual Powder Puff Game

Just a littleΒ rivalryΒ fun before the end of the school year!

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Preparing Students for the Future Today

Our Core Beliefs, Mission, & Vision

Who we are, our mission, our vision, and our core beliefs

Portrait of a Graduate 

OUHSD graduates are critical thinkers, reflective community members, and successful contributors. 

Hall of Fame 

Being elected to the OUHSD Hall of Fame represents individuals who, through their individual actions, have contributed to the established vision of the District.

Unlocking the Full Potential of Our Students

See what we offer to develop reflective learners who thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Student & Staff

OUHSD is grateful to our students and staff for showing up every day and giving their best.


Update on how OUHSD is adjusting its approach to ensure that schools provide safe, positive environments conducive to learning for all students.

News & Announcements


Your donation can support:

πŸ… π™Žπ™˜π™π™€π™‘π™–π™§π™¨π™π™žπ™₯𝙨 for 6 graduating seniors!

πŸ† 𝙃𝙖𝙑𝙑 𝙀𝙛 π™π™–π™’π™š Operating costs such as- recognition awards, plaques, name tiles at Harrison Stadium, and more!

πŸ“’ 𝙃𝙀𝙬 𝙩𝙀 π˜Ώπ™€π™£π™–π™©π™š
Visit our webpage at 

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Read More about Support the OUHSD Hall of Fame
Ross-Harmon Educator of the Year Nominations

The Ross-Harmon Committee welcomes nominations for certificated and classified employees who have significantly impacted our students. Submit your nominations by March 29nd! Access the nomination form here:

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